The magnificent scroll (part 1)
The human body! Something that is both close to us, common to all and at the same time about which we know so little ! Even naming it is difficult : Is it an "object", a "subject" or a "temple" ? As an object, it is now dissected and analyzed from every angle with a precision never before achieved in human history, as a subject it participates in the psychosomatic identity of the human being and as a temple it reveals, by its very being, the nature of the sacred in man.
Some think that the human body is the ripe fruit of its genes; others that it is shaped by its environment and that the first few months after birth play a vital role; still others will cheerfully say "I am what I think", so that it is meaning that directs and conditions human identity. And finally, there are those who go directly to the Source of their being to find pure consciousness, devoid of any identification. Then the body is perceived as an objective manifestation of the Self in the external world. It is this fourth point of view that we are going to adopt in this series of works. We are not invalidating the three previous ones and we use their achievements, particularly in biology, in order to be specific about the process of returning to the Source.
Grâce à Kate Johnston et Sabrina Zannier que je tiens à remercier tout particulièrement ici, le premier opuscule du Parchemin Magnifique qui explore le symbolisme du corps humain est à présent traduit en anglais et disponible en ebook. Cet opuscule 1 décrit la méthode utilisée pour décoder le symbolisme du corps en utilisant la langue des oiseaux, la mythologie grecque, le symbolisme des fonctions biologiques et le zodiaque. Si vous en avez le goût n’hésitez pas à relayer cette information et ce lien dans vos réseaux anglophones, mille mercis par avance !
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